Tuesday, April 19, 2011

homeless jesus

I've come to know the Jesus that a lot of people don't know...I think. He is not the clean, pretty, dressed up, American-ized Jesus that resides in many churches on Sunday morning.....careful to say only what people like to hear...pleased with all the pretty outfits...comfy in a padded warm pew....
No. Mind you, this meeting for me...was not necessarily by choice but out of a dark place I threw myself into....
He is the homeless Jesus. The one who says and does things that aren't easy to hear....the one who wanders, stares me down and let's me know I've got it better than I think.... He is real.

I've seen the same homeless man a few times since I've arrived in OC. Don't ask me why it got me thinking of all this.....maybe because I'm tired of seeing people play church? Maybe because he is what church should be.

I don't care for Easter Sunday....in the sense that it's a day of dress up.....which I cannot afford to keep up with.....a day of hypocrisy....which I CAN compete with, but am trying to eliminate from my life....a day of candy and egg hunts....which I love & prefer over church but have been taught is sacrilege...

Sigh....Jesus has never been more real to me....and it's all happened since we stopped attending church regularly.....hmmmm.

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