Wednesday, January 05, 2011

gwen 13 today a sweet, caring, compassionate child and always has been since she could speak
.....loves to make her family laugh
.....won't gossip
.....has a beautiful smile a packrat
.....sings like an angel
.....won't settle for second best
.....asked for homemade pizza for her birthday dinner
.....tends to be loud when she talks
.....loves soccer
.....hates soda
.....says "i love you" to each of us at least 4 times a day
.....has a quirky bedtime routine with audrey sincerely sorry when she needs to be
.....not really into cleaning my daughter and has made me a proud mom.

Love you gwyneth lacey
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1 comment:

jess said...

Love you, Gwen!!! Happy birthday!!!